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Xu Weilin, academician of the CAE Member and president of Wuhan Textile University, came to our company for investigation

2023-03-10 09:24:49

In the afternoon of August 20, Xu Weilin, academician of the CAE Member, textile and polymer material scientist, president of Wuhan Textile University, Fu Guangwei, president of China Textile Engineering Society and other expert leaders visited our company for investigation and discussion. The company's chairman Jing Liangxiao, chief engineer Yu Zhigang and other leaders warmly received the visit.

At the symposium, Academician Xu listened to the report on the overall situation of the project in detail. After in-depth exchange and discussion, he highly affirmed the development level and achievements of our company's industry, and gave detailed analysis and suggestions on the pain points and difficult issues raised by the enterprise.

Academician Xu stressed that technology is the first productive force. We should start with the diversified market demand, continue to promote the innovation and upgrading of new fiber materials, focus on creating product differentiation, characteristics and high-end advantages, and strive to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises; We should strengthen the upstream and downstream supporting construction of the industrial chain, pay attention to the investment in intelligent equipment, focus on the manufacturing of functional products, and strive to upgrade and improve quality and efficiency.

At the meeting, President Fu Guangwei made a brief analysis of the current situation and development trend of the industry, and said that as a pioneer in the industry, Dongheng National Fiber realized a benign technology application and transformation system of technology research and development, upgrading of multi-category products, and quality control, leading the high-quality development of the high-temperature refractory industry. The China Textile Engineering Society hopes to take this exchange as an opportunity to continue to play the role of an intermediary bridge, relying on various cooperation carriers such as the China Textile Industry Research Institute and the Technology Research and Development Center, to provide high-quality services for the innovative development of enterprises, and to achieve cooperation and win-win results in multiple fields and dimensions between the two sides.

At the meeting, the two sides had in-depth exchanges in the development of alumina fiber downstream products, technological innovation and other aspects, and there was broad space for cooperation in many fields. We hope that through this survey, the school-enterprise cooperation will be promoted to a deeper and higher level.

Before the meeting, Academician Xu and his party successively went to the exhibition hall and workshop of Dongheng National Fiber for field investigation.